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Xdyj's books

I'm a Chinese student studying in the U. S.. I like reading and talking about books I like or dislike.
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Pakistan: A Personal History

Pakistan: A Personal History - Imran Khan A bit boring at times, though it may be because I hold no sympathy to his politics and "philosophy". Iqbal was a visionary for his time but it is not 1930s. Also imho the author should try to learn more from the Iranian experience after 1979, both its achievements and pitfalls.

After Life

After Life - Rhian Ellis I find the setting fascinating though I don't really care about the mystery.

England Your England

England Your England - T. R. Fyvel, George Orwell Some of his assessments are a bit too optimistic or pessimistic by hindsight, however certain points he made, e.g. on how writers should deal with politics, power and truth, though arguably flawed, could still be relevant today. And his critique of the selective "antiimperialists" and the partisan reporting on wars arguably still hold true to this day. Also I wonder how much of his characterization of "Englishness" remains true today.

Sexing the Cherry

Sexing the Cherry - Jeanette Winterson Parts of it reminds me of Angela Carter's fairytale/folklore retellings as well as [b:Invisible Cities|9809|Invisible Cities|Italo Calvino|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1388395463s/9809.jpg|68476] by [a:Italo Calvino|155517|Italo Calvino|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/authors/1383157020p2/155517.jpg]. Winterson's prose is beautiful and often quotable, though imho the 1990 parts are not as amazing as the 17th century parts & the ending feels a bit underwhelming.

The Accident

The Accident - Chris Pavone There is some interesting insights on publishing industry. OTOH, I find it a bit strange that so many people were making photocopies of the "dangerous" manuscript, but no one tried to scan and upload it to one of the many anomyous filesharing websites, even when they realized that people were getting killed for it.

Wolf Hall

Wolf Hall - Hilary Mantel I didn't know that the history of English reformation can be so fascinating.

The Marriage of Heaven and Hell

The Marriage of Heaven and Hell - William Blake I'm not always a fan of Romanticism, but imho Blake's radical revolutionary vision is remarkable.

Kiss of the Spider Woman

Kiss of the Spider Woman - Manuel Puig Written almost completely in dialogues & footnotes. Tragic & beautiful.

The Invention of Wings: A Novel

The Invention of Wings: A Novel - Sue Monk Kidd The subject matter is interesting. It would be better had there been more description on the relationships and interaction between characters IMHO.

A People's History of the United States: 1492 to Present

A People's History of the United States: 1492 to Present - Howard Zinn History of the U.S. from a Marxist & humanist perspective.

Radiant Days

Radiant Days - Elizabeth Hand A YA coming-of-age story about art, 1970s American underground art scene, Paris Commune, Rimbaud, and love in the Platonic sense.

Boating for Beginners

Boating for Beginners - Jeanette Winterson Winterson's Mouty Python-like story about the Christian right that managed to be both hilarious and tragic. According to the author it's not a serious work but imho it's overall quite good.

The Man Who Bridged the Mist

The Man Who Bridged the Mist - Kij Johnson A short sf/f story in which nothing unexpected happens, the sf/f elements are of relatively little importance, and the focus is solely on characters dealing with everyday problems & their relationships with each other.

Peter Pan

Peter Pan - J.M. Barrie, Michael Hague I like this surreal story on growing up & make-believe & I think it's one of the very few children's books that can speak to both children & adults profoundly & stand the test of time, though I can imagine some ppl may consider it inappropriate to their young children. SJ Tucker's somewhat more lighthearted "The Wendy Trilogy" is also quite interesting imo.
Black Venus - Angela Carter Very beautifully written but could be a bit predictable if you're familiar with these kind of stories.
Mira Corpora - Jeff  Jackson Got it from goodreads giveaway. I like the surreal setting and the narrative voice, although I'm not sure if I completely understand it.